Our code of ethics

An excellent organization must be based on common, strong, and shared values. Without these, individuals within a company would not be able to collaborate as a united group, and the company as a whole would lack an identity. Argea’s values – integrity, excellence, inclusion, responsibility, and innovation – guide the actions of all individuals within the group, both internally and externally. Our values are reflected in the Code of Ethics, which contains general principles and specific behavioral norms, providing practical guidance in our business operations.
The Code of Ethics applies to all members of the group, from the Board of Directors to all employees and is promoted throughout the organization through a variety of actions. Along with the Code of Ethics, the Group has voluntarily adopted an “Organization, Management, and Control Model” in compliance with Legislative Decree 231/2001 (Model 231) on the discipline of the administrative responsibility of entities. The task of supervising compliance with the Model is entrusted to a Supervisory Body.
Our values guide our actions.
Our sustainability policies extend and complement our Codes of Ethics.
progress beyond the simple financial indicators, in order to have a balanced, efficient, and sustainable development. The results of our Sustainability Report are presented during Habitat, our annual forum on energy efficiency, social equity, and sustainable development.
Being ethical doesn’t simply mean respecting the identity of other people. Being sustainable doesn’t only concern our ecological footprint.
Suppliers relationships.
As an accelerator of the Italian wine ecosystem, Argea extends its Ethical Code and sustainability policies to its suppliers as well. We aim to increase awareness and engagement among all stakeholders in our supply chain about the impact that everyday choices have on communities, territories, and the future of our species. With our Supplier Charter, we make our commitments clear and seek to share them with our partners.